Brand equity and marketing performance: Perspectives from the brewing industry in Nigeria


  • Olayinka Tope ODELEYE Business Administration and Marketing, Delta State University, Asaba Campus, Nigeria


brand equity, brand trust, brewing firms, industry, marketing performance


Branding and equity balancing in organizational performance have been a task in marketing that entails a holistic approach to getting it right. Thus the study examined the effect of brand equity on marketing performance in brewing firms. The specified objectives are to examine the influence brand loyalty has on marketing performance, and to ascertain the influence of brand associations on marketing performance. The population consists of employees of Guinness Nigeria Plc in Benin City, Edo State, Nigerian Breweries Plc and In fact Beverages in the South-East region. Krejcie and Morgan (as cited in Kenpro, 2012) sample size determination table was used to determine the sample size and survey research design method was used in the selection of respondents to represent the population. The statistical tools used include simple percentage and multiple regression. The findings of the study showed that all variables examined such as brand loyalty and brand associations, were positive and significant factors of marketing performance. The study concluded that brand loyalty has a positive influence on marketing performance. Brand loyalty can be seen to be formed through brand trust, commitment, satisfaction, perceived value, image, association and quality.


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How to Cite

ODELEYE, O. T. (2021). Brand equity and marketing performance: Perspectives from the brewing industry in Nigeria. International Journal of Business, Economics & Management, 4(1), 103-115.