Constitutional rights perspective and economic democracy based on Pancasila economic system



constitutional rights, economic democracy, family cultural, pancasila, public services


The Indonesian state has experienced various eras and has the basis of the Pancasila State. The purpose of this study is to find out: (1) Constitutional Rights (2). Economic Democracy (3). Pancasila Economic System. The issue of Pancasila Culture as a family cultural attitude is not yet fully aligned with the Pancasila Economic System. Qualitative research methods in analyzing phenomena that occur in the field, events, dynamics, and perceptions of a person or group. Data collection techniques through (a). Observations, observations, and interviews (b). Reduction of relevant data to support research. (c). Data display design and determine accurate data (d). Conclusions include all the information found. Conclusions leading to the ideals of the state are: (a). Can prosper all people (b). Can carry out the economy evenly and systematically (c). Increase changes in areas that have not yet been implemented (d). Organizing a just government following the Pancasila economic system.


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How to Cite

Suryawati, N. (2021). Constitutional rights perspective and economic democracy based on Pancasila economic system. International Journal of Business, Economics & Management, 4(1), 262-268.