Analysis of business law principles from a sharia perspective

Economic and business legal literacy study


  • Rika Riyanti Politeknik Negeri Pontianak, Indonesia
  • Indah Anjar Reski Politeknik Negeri Pontianak, Indonesia


business law principles, economics, include analysis, sharia perspective, study literacy


Business activities are the breath of human life. So, the Business must have rules and principles that regulate business people to achieve business goals. This study discusses the analysis of business law principles from Islamic law. This study is a study of business and economic law literacy. Our data search was carried out by examining several business communications that discuss business principles about the views of Islamic law, which are the source of this study. Our research efforts are processed through the deepening of data coding, in-depth analysis, and interpretation to take the essence of relevant and valid conclusions to answer the problem of this study. Based on existing data and supporting literature by our studies, it can be concluded that Islam offers business ethics with Islamic values ??that regulate business activities with firm principles, namely that Business is carried out correctly has an open, informative, truthfulness, and fairness. It is hoped that these findings will be beneficial for future studies with the theme of business ethics and principles following sharia.


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How to Cite

Riyanti, R., & Reski, I. A. (2022). Analysis of business law principles from a sharia perspective: Economic and business legal literacy study. International Journal of Business, Economics & Management, 5(1), 67-75.