Technology-based HR management to optimize MSME product and service marketing


  • Titin Endrawati Politeknik APP Jakarta, Indonesia
  • Bayu Prabowo Sutjiatmo Politeknik APP Jakarta, Indonesia
  • Aji Kresno Murti Politeknik APP Jakarta, Indonesia
  • Anung Widodo Politeknik APP Jakarta, Indonesia
  • Nawiyah Politeknik APP Jakarta, Indonesia


HR management, optimizing marketing, SMEs, technology


Technology-based human capital management, such as digital applications, is part of efforts to maximize the marketing of small business products and services. It discusses the management of science and technology-based marketing innovations that need to be encouraged. This study discusses the role of human resource management and its advantages in the technology sector to support the development of small business marketing so that people's businesses can continue to be sustainable and support the increase in the country's foreign exchange. This study also analyzes the data on the drivers of MSMEs based on technology innovation that we collect from various scientific reports and technology studies from various application contexts in the field. We collect data electronically from several scientific publications in the form of books and other literature, which we analyze with a phenomenological approach to get valid findings. We propose a technology-laden HR management model for business people, especially the marketing of small business products in Indonesia, transitioning from traditional marketing to innovative strategies that can be continuously supported. The results of this analysis will later assist in studying marketing innovation updates for small business products and services in future HR studies and training.


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How to Cite

Endrawati, T., Sutjiatmo, B. P., Murti, A. K., Widodo, A., & Nawiyah, N. (2022). Technology-based HR management to optimize MSME product and service marketing. International Journal of Business, Economics & Management, 5(3), 143-150.