The role of entrepreneurship intention as a mediation between productive Zakat and Mustahiq's welfare in Bekasi



entrepreneurship intention, Mustahiq's welfare, production Zakat, purposive sampling, structural equation model


One solution to overcome poverty is zakat, where there is a distribution of wealth by people who are able to those who are less able, with the principle of helping for this reason, professionalism is needed in carrying out tasks related to the management of zakat. The aims of this study were to describe the influence of productive zakat on the Mustahiq's welfare, mediated by entrepreneurial intention. Bekasi Regency is ranked eighth and is included in the category of the extremely poor. This study uses qualitative and quantitative analysis with a sample of 78 Mustahiqs, taken by a purposive sampling technique. The data has been collected and processed using the Structural Equation Model. The findings of this study are that there is no positive effect of productive zakat on Mustahiq welfare; productive zakat has a positive effect on entrepreneurship intention; entrepreneurship intention has a positive effect on Mustahiq welfare; and productive zakat has a positive effect on Mustahiq welfare indirectly through entrepreneurial intention.


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How to Cite

Amran, E. (2022). The role of entrepreneurship intention as a mediation between productive Zakat and Mustahiq’s welfare in Bekasi. International Journal of Business, Economics & Management, 5(4), 253-262.