The development of handicraft in Watunggere and Nida Village: Ende Regency


  • Baltasar Taruma Djata Flores University, East Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia
  • Yohanes Paulus Luciany Flores University, East Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia
  • Kanisius Rambut Flores University, East Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia


product, promotion, supervisor, weaving, woven craft


This article explores the development of woven crafts in Watunggere and Nida village, Sub-district Detukeli, Ende Regency. It raises the issue of how the people of Watunggere and Nida developed the woven crafts such as nyiru, bags, baskets, and boxes. These local products have benefits to improve the incomes of the local communities in that area. As well as those products can be promoted to be one of the cultural tourism objects in Ende Regency. To collect the data, this research used the descriptive qualitative and quantitative approach which was completed with several methods such as interview, observation, study documents, and descriptive statistic analysis. Moreover, the analysis of descriptive statistics is used to describe the frequencies of respondents’ answers. The results of the research indicate that product design is not regularly done or gained from training, but got from the experiences derived from the ancestors. That is why the model of the product is different from the modern trend. Related to the capability of the workers to design the product is just supported by primary school background.


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How to Cite

Djata, B. T., Luciany, Y. P., & Rambut, K. (2021). The development of handicraft in Watunggere and Nida Village: Ende Regency. International Journal of Business, Economics & Management, 4(1), 16-27.