The multiple postcolonial identify in salman rushdie’s shame


  • P. Murugesan AVC College (Autonomous), Mannampandal, India
  • S. Neelakandan K. Ramakrishnan College of Engineering Samayapuram, Tiruchirappalli, India
  • G. Sankar PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore, India


assimilations, assertiveness, migration, post-colonialism, self-identity


Post-colonialism focuses on cultural and national identity in literature produced by the people of current or former colonies in places like the Middle East, South Asia, Africa, and the Caribbean. Many postcolonial authors delve into the issue of gender when expressing their ideas about post-colonialism. How an individual that lives in does, comes from, or has a history with a certain country or region which has been colonized, shape his or her identity? In the work of many Middle Eastern and South Asian authors, gender is one of the best tools to use when exploring identity. In Salman Rushdie’s novel Shame, masculinity and femininity are important factors in how certain characters function. This growing desire to define identity as it relates to the characters in Shame is not only confined to the individuals in the story, but it is also an issue relevant to the nation of Pakistan as well. Most of the characters in the story are symbolic references to actual political figures in Pakistan. In addition, they also represent different periods in the country’s history, both political and social. Rushdie subverts the question commonly posed to migrant intellectuals about their “exilic” identity issues.


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How to Cite

Murugesan, P., Neelakandan, S., & Sankar, G. (2020). The multiple postcolonial identify in salman rushdie’s shame. International Journal of Humanities, Literature & Arts, 3(1), 7-12.