Architecture various forms of sanggah kemulan taksu in Denpasar


  • I Wayan Meganada Universitas Hindu Indonesia, Denpasar, Indonesia
  • Wayan Suka Yasa Universitas Hindu Indonesia, Denpasar, Indonesia
  • Wayan Budi Utama Universitas Hindu Indonesia, Denpasar, Indonesia


architecture, Balinese, kemulan, sanggah, taksu


The purpose of this study was to answer the phenomenon of doubt about the existence of the sanggah kemulan taksu regarding various forms of architecture, representative forms, and public perceptions, especially in the city of Denpasar. The Bali uniqueness was in its culture. One of them was traditional Balinese architecture which in this case is represented by sanggah kemulan taksu architecture, which was classified as parahyangan architecture with special appearance, function, and structure. Its existence since the XI century was the year 1001 AD (Çaka 923) and was a fact (relics of material/artifact; social life/sociofact; and concerns about belief/mentifact) which was a living monument. The method used was phenomenology, supported by the concepts and theories of phenomenology, philosophy, religion and religion, architecture, symbols, and perception. The sources and objects of research observations were determined purposively by conducting structured interviews. From the requirements of the resource persons there are 35 object sources and of the 35 objects considered sufficient to be represented by 20-50 percent. Following the level of representativeness and fulfillment of criteria, 16 informants were scattered in four sub-districts in the city of Denpasar, all of whom were active bandesa who were desa adat community leaders in their respective.


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How to Cite

Meganada, I. W., Yasa, W. S., & Utama, W. B. (2020). Architecture various forms of sanggah kemulan taksu in Denpasar. International Journal of Humanities, Literature & Arts, 3(1), 32-40.