Understanding of modern society perception on sociology of Islamic law in Indonesia




islamic law, modern society, modern sociology, understanding society perception


We are sure that the public's understanding of the sociology of Islamic law will shape the development and behavior of social relations in Indonesian society that is cultured to uphold religious law. Increasing knowledge of Islamic law's sociology for modern Muslims is closely related to the progress and awakening of Islamic civilization in Indonesia. To find out, we have done a series of preliminary reads with an assembled online data-based searching system with the above theme variables. Furthermore, an in-depth study and analysis carried out using a phenological study approach to answer the problems of this research so that findings that meet the principles of validity and reliability. Considering all these research variables and data analysis, we can finally explain some of our findings, including how modern Indonesian society changes and understands the sociology of Islamic law and the relationship between the two changes. This change concerns the social life of Islamic law. How do Muslim societies understand their religious laws when living and working in modern societies that sometimes experience changes and differences in understanding the social order of religious law and social life.


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How to Cite

Manullang, S. O. . (2020). Understanding of modern society perception on sociology of Islamic law in Indonesia. International Journal of Humanities, Literature & Arts, 3(1), 85-92. https://doi.org/10.31295/ijhla.v3n1.230