A serological study to diagnose the causes of recurrent viral and immune miscarriage in aborted women who attend the shatrah general hospital



  • Redha’a llah M. Al-A’ Dhami Directorate of Thi-qar Education, Iraq
  • Baidaa M. Kadhim Directorate of Thi-qar Education, Iraq
  • Haider S. Abdullhusein Thi-qar University/College of Veterinary Medicine, Iraq


hospital, immunity, recurrent miscarriage, serology, viral


The current study agreed with the results of the study reached by the study in Tikrit, as well as with what indicated that the highest rate of infection was within the age groups (16-25) and (20-30) respectively, and the results of the current study differed with What the researcher reached in the city of Kirkuk, which showed the highest rate of infection, falls within the age group (30-39). These differences can be related to physiological factors such as hormones and their proportions in women of lower ages compared to the higher age groups and their frequent exposure to pathogens on a continuous basis, and this causes a negative impact on the psychological state of the patient resulting in cases of repeated miscarriage of the cause. The results of the current study differed with the results of the researcher in Iran, where the highest incidence of infection was within the age group 36-45 and agreed with a study in Iraq where the highest incidence of infection was in the age group 21-25, a study in Russia and France showed the proportion of infection 78% and 46.8%, respectively.


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How to Cite

Dhami, R. llah M. A.-A., Kadhim, B. M., & Abdullhusein, H. S. (2020). A serological study to diagnose the causes of recurrent viral and immune miscarriage in aborted women who attend the shatrah general hospital. International Journal of Health & Medical Sciences, 3(1), 42-47. https://doi.org/10.31295/ijhms.v3n1.131