Relationship between quality of service with patient loyality at general polyclinic of kamonji public health center


  • Parmin Parmin Nursing Study Program, Faculty of Medicine, Tadulako University
  • Ketut Suarayasa Department of Public Health and Community Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Tadulako University
  • Bertin Ayu Wandira Department of Administration and Health Policy Faculty of Public Health, Tadulako University


basic health, patient loyality, patient satisfaction, public health center, service quality


Five main dimensions are relevant to explain the quality of service that is known as service quality (servqual). As one of the largest Public Health centers in Palu City, the Kamonji Public Health centers also have facilities issues such as inadequate waiting room conditions and health service issues such as a long waiting time for services. The study aimed to identify the relationship between service quality and patient loyalty in public clinics at the Kamonji Public Health Center. This type of study is quantitative with a cross-sectional approach. The Samples were 100 respondents using random sampling. Data collection was questionnaires and data analysis was the Chi-Square test. The Independent variable is service quality and the dependent variable is patient loyality. Research result. From the 100 respondents, it was found that there was a significant relationship (p<0.05) between assurance, reliability, responsiveness, and empathy with patient loyalty at the general Polyclinic of Kamonji Public Health Center. But there is no relationship (p>0.05) between tangibles (facilities and infrastructure) with patient loyalty at general polyclinic of the Kamonji Public Health Center in Palu City.


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How to Cite

Parmin, P., Suarayasa, K., & Wandira, B. A. (2020). Relationship between quality of service with patient loyality at general polyclinic of kamonji public health center. International Journal of Health & Medical Sciences, 3(1), 86-91.