Application of habituation method in germas interventionsin: the pandemic time COVID-19


  • Has'ad Rahman Attamimi STIKes Griya Husada Sumbawa, Indonesia
  • Yunita Lestari STIKes Griya Husada Sumbawa, Indonesia
  • Benny Harry Leksmon Situmorang STIKes Widya Nusantara Palu, Indonesia
  • Gladeva Yugi Antari STIKes Griya Husada Sumbawa, Indonesia
  • Nelly Nugrawati STIKes Amanah Makassar, Indonesia


action research, COVID-19, habituation method, Junior High School 1 Sumbawa, The Healthy Lifestyle Movement (GERMAS)


The Healthy Lifestyle Movement (GERMAS) is a government program that is expected to be able to guide the community in carrying out healthy living behaviors, in GERMAS seven steps can be implemented, including; 1) Doing a physical activity, 2) Eating fruits and vegetables, 3) Not smoking, 4) Not consuming alcoholic drinks, 5) Doing regular health checks, 6) Maintaining environmental cleanliness and 7) Using a latrine. As an effort to cultivate a healthy lifestyle during the Covid-19 pandemic, a study was conducted with an action research design. This study was designed with 2 cycles, each cycle consisting of 4 stages; planning, implementing, observing, and reflecting. The subjects in this study were 34 students of SMP N 1 Sumbawa, and the object was healthy living behavior with GERMAS intervention using the habituation method. The results showed that there was a significant behavior change, the behavior in question was actions that prevented the implementation of GERMAS steps.


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How to Cite

Attamimi, H. R. ., Lestari, Y. ., Situmorang, B. . H. L. ., Antari, G. Y. ., & Nugrawati, N. . (2020). Application of habituation method in germas interventionsin: the pandemic time COVID-19 . International Journal of Health & Medical Sciences, 3(1), 98-104.