Early detection of high risk of pregnant women in Asia



  • Yova Agustini Student of Obstetrics Study Master Program, 'Aisyiyah University Yogyakarta, Indonesia
  • Sulistyaningsih Lecturers of Obstetrics Faculty of Health Sciences, 'Aisyiyah University Yogyakarta, Indonesia


Asia, Detection, High Risk, Pregnancy


This research is a Scoping Review. This study aims to map research on the early detection of high-risk pregnant women. The research method used is to adapt the Prisma-ScR framework. PubMed Database, Scientific direct and Google Scholar; critical appraisal carried out in this review is to use the Joana Brigs checklist from the Joana Brigs Institute (JBI). Results: based on the search results of 541 there were 10 articles that matched the inclusion criteria and came from the Asian continent. This review raises two sub-themes, namely early detection of high-risk pregnant women by health workers and early detection of high-risk pregnant women by non-health workers. The results showed that early detection of high-risk pregnancies was related to activities to obtain information about pregnant women who were detected as at-risk populations. This can only be detected by health workers scientifically. 


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How to Cite

Agustini, Y., & Sulistyaningsih, S. (2022). Early detection of high risk of pregnant women in Asia. International Journal of Health & Medical Sciences, 5(4), 361-369. https://doi.org/10.21744/ijhms.v5n4.2018