The influence of product upgrading and quality on customer satisfaction and its impact on consumer loyalty standardized herbal medicine

Research on Tolak Angin Sido Muncul Product in DKI Jakarta


  • Ahmad Subagiyo Magister of Pharmacy, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Pancasila, Jakarta, Indonesia
  • Ahmad Fuad Afdhal Magister of Pharmacy, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Pancasila, Jakarta, Indonesia
  • Derriawan Derriawan Magister of Pharmacy, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Pancasila, Jakarta, Indonesia


customer loyalty, customer satisfaction, quality product, standardized herbal medicine, upgrading product


This study aimed at determining the impact of product upgrading and product quality on consumer satisfaction and its impact on consumer loyalty standardized herbal medicine Tolak Angin Sido Muncul. This study used a survey method with all populations of Tolak Angin Sido Muncul in DKI Jakarta, while in taking the sample; the researcher used a sampling method. Research findings support that product upgrading has no significant impact on customer satisfaction and has a negative significant impact on customer loyalty. Product quality has a significant impact on customer satisfaction and customer loyalty. Customer satisfaction has a significant impact on customer loyalty. Elaborating the product quality and customer satisfaction support significantly affects customer loyalty. The findings have contributed new ideas to the theoretical framework of herbal medicines classifies. They are not confirming the importance of upgrading in the herbal medicine classifies in the relationship between customer satisfaction and customer loyalty.


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How to Cite

Subagiyo, A., Afdhal, A. F., & Derriawan, D. (2020). The influence of product upgrading and quality on customer satisfaction and its impact on consumer loyalty standardized herbal medicine: Research on Tolak Angin Sido Muncul Product in DKI Jakarta. International Journal of Health & Medical Sciences, 3(1), 136-145.