Intervention with Fe supplementations and IEC about anemia against hemoglobin levels in female teenagers in state senior high school


  • Indah Sri Wahyuni Polytechnic Karya Husada, Midwifery Diploma III Study Program, Jakarta, Indonesia
  • Eka Bati Widyaningsih Polytechnic Karya Husada, Midwifery Diploma III Study Program, Jakarta, Indonesia


anemia, Fe supplement, female teenagers, hemoglobin, IEC anemia


Iron malnutrition anemia is a micronutrient problem that often occurs throughout the world. The prevalence of nutritional anemia in the teenager's age group nationally is 18.4%. The government has a program to prevent anemia in adolescents, which is to provide one grain of iron supplements every week throughout the year for female teenagers at school. The administration was carried out for 16 weeks with details of once a week and for 10 days of menstruation, so that the total gave was 52 tablets. Examine the characteristics of the sample (age, family socioeconomic, pocket money, menstrual history, nutritional status, and physical activity), knowledge about anemia, attitudes, compliance, family support, and teacher support in interventions with Fe supplementation and IEC about anemia against hemoglobin levels for female teenagers in State Senior High School in the District of Pesanggrahan, South Jakarta, Indonesia. This research is a Quasi-Experimental with a sample of 126 female teenagers. The difference in the mean hemoglobin level of the intervention group before and after the intervention showed a significant difference in the average hemoglobin level between the three groups at pretest. The result of the multi regression analysis shows that the dominant variable is knowledge.


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How to Cite

Wahyuni, I. S., & Widyaningsih, E. B. (2021). Intervention with Fe supplementations and IEC about anemia against hemoglobin levels in female teenagers in state senior high school. International Journal of Health & Medical Sciences, 4(1), 38-43.