Impact of human resource management on health workers during pandemics COVID-19: systematic review



healthcare workers, management HR, pandemic time, systematic review


The HR crisis has affected the health system, but there is little research into how this HR disruption affects medical workers. Understanding the impact on the health of medical personnel is essential; the COVID-19 outbreak is still sweeping the world. With the empirical literature, we have succeeded in summarizing the impact of the HR crisis on the health of medical personnel. Exploratory systematic reviews have identified qualitative, theory-based empirical evidence against practitioners. We have searched a database of relevant HR crises and health issues. Then we analyzed it in depth with a phenomenological approach. A total of 40 peer-reviewed publications were reviewed, referring to the HR crisis and its impact on the health of medical personnel. Finally, this study confirms that the human resource crisis is transmitted to medical personnel through several models: (1) a decrease in the quality of health services; (2) the impact of inadequate service measures; and (3) increasing demands for health services from patients; (4) A wave of community protests for treatment; (5) service and budget inefficiency.


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How to Cite

Widjaja, G. (2021). Impact of human resource management on health workers during pandemics COVID-19: systematic review. International Journal of Health & Medical Sciences, 4(1), 61-68.