The COVID-19 self-isolation experience at home: the public health literacy movement


  • Riris Andriati STIKES Widya Dharma Husada Tangerang, Indonesia
  • Kholis Ernawati Universitas YARSI, Jakarta, Indonesia
  • Ira Kusumawaty Politeknik Kesehatan Kemenkes Palembang, Indonesia


experience, health study, health literacy, pandemic, self-isolation


This Paper intended to discuss the experiences of Covid-19 patients who are self-isolating at home was our primary goal. This discussion is expected to add insight into the public health literacy movement, considering that the issue of the pandemic increasingly demands public participation in anticipating and independently handling each victim of the pandemic. We discuss the above problem by obtaining data from the experience of self-care patients that have been published in various domestic and foreign health journals. As for the data we found, we have reviewed the coding study system and in-depth evaluation to get in-depth and valid discussion data. Based on the data that we describe and the discussion, we can describe the results that we can describe that the efforts made by a typist are exposed to Covid-19 by avoiding public places, for example, markets, hospitals, places of worship, offices, stations, terminals, etc. Maintain a distance of approximately 1 meter from the nearest person; try not to crowd. Those infected with COVID-19 or other infectious diseases transmitted by touch will not infect others in a crowd if they keep their distance from each other under the guidance of government medics.


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How to Cite

Andriati, R., Ernawati, K., & Kusumawaty, I. (2021). The COVID-19 self-isolation experience at home: the public health literacy movement. International Journal of Life Sciences & Earth Sciences, 4(1), 53-61.