International journal of life sciences & earth sciences 2024-12-31T00:00:00+00:00 Editorial Office Open Journal Systems <p style="text-align: justify;"><strong>IJLE</strong> is published in English and it is open to authors around the world regardless of the nationality. The issued frequency is annual or one issue per year publication.<br>ISSN 2632-9425</p> Analysis of factors affecting organic rice exports in Indonesia 2023-12-31T04:41:03+00:00 Qorimah Handari Harahap Zulkifli Lubis Tavi Supriana <p>The market opportunities from organic farming which are getting bigger globally are being utilized by farmers in various regions in Indonesia and have succeeded in cultivating organic rice and have quite wide market coverage even abroad. This research aims to determine the factors that influence the volume of organic rice exports in Indonesia. The results of multiple linear regression prove that the domestic price of organic rice, the international price of organic rice and the dollar exchange rate against the rupiah influence the volume of organic rice exports in Indonesia. The price of organic rice, both domestic and international, has a negative effect on organic rice exports. Meanwhile, the dollar exchange rate against the rupiah has a positive effect on organic rice exports. The policy implications based on the research results are (a) Seeing the research results showing that the price of domestic organic rice has a negative and significant effect on organic rice exports, the government must maintain prices (inflation), especially the price of domestic organic rice. (b) When the rupiah depreciates, organic rice exports will increase, but exchange rate stability must be maintained by the government. So the increase in organic rice exports is the result of increased rice production, not just the exchange rate.</p> 2024-01-02T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 International journal of life sciences & earth sciences Implementation of the empowerment model of female laborers on Arabica coffee processing industry in Bangli Regency, Bali Province 2024-03-02T09:00:19+00:00 Ni Wayan Sri Astiti Dwi Putra Darmawan <p>The Model Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) selection of the female laborers' empowerment strategy at UPH which refers to the results of the SWOT analysis shows that strengthening the competence of women laborers' is the main priority of empowerment as a solution to gap performance of female laborers' in the arabica coffee processing industry in Bali. Based on the model, the purpose of this research is to increase the capability of female laborers. The search for female laborers' empowerment needs using the method of appreciative inquiry, through (a) rapid research involving multidisciplinary teams; (b) in-depth interviews and direct observation; (c) Interactive Management sessions; (d) peer review. The main results of the implementation of strategies for strengthening female laborers capability in UPH Kintamani Indonesia are (a) achievement of capability outcome in technical and production management and processing, as well as in UPH institution management; (b) documents of infrastructure development needs in the UPH and roadmap of UPH development documents, SOPs (machine utilization and added value enhancements), and regulations on strategic partnership arrangements. Empowerment of female laborers in UPH Kintamani Indonesia needs to be continuously evaluated and the results are followed up to produce premium-quality Arabica coffee production processed in accordance with IG certification, supported by distinctive product design innovations to support business independence and partnership contract sustainability.</p> 2024-03-02T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 International journal of life sciences & earth sciences Mangrove Ecosystem Resilience Based on Recruitment Indices on the Coast of West Muna Regency, Indonesia 2024-06-25T04:38:46+00:00 rahman Ali Juliana Natan <p><em>This study aims to determine the resilience of mangrove ecosystems with a Recruitment Indices approach in the coastal of West Muna Regency. The research method used quadrant transects (10&nbsp; x 10 m<sup>2</sup>). Analysis of the resilience indices is based on the RI with the equation RI = Ln ((0.7 x DSd/DT )+ (DSp/DT)). The results showed that station I and station II found the highest RI of total mangrove ecosystem with values ??of 1.43 and 1.38. In contrast, stations III and IV were the lowest, with RI values ??of 1.07 and 1.05, respectively. Meanwhile, the highest RI values ??for mangrove species on the coast of West Muna Regency were B. gymnorrhiza and B. cylindrica, with RI = 1.70 and RI = 1.63, respectively. In comparison, the lowest was S. alba (RI = 0.90) and R. stylosa (RI = 1.22). Based on the RI value, the mangrove ecosystem on the coast of West Muna Regency is in the high resilience category (RI = 1.25 ± 0.20). It indicates that the mangrove ecosystem on the coast of West Muna Regency has good regeneration and growth abilities so that it can recover even though it is under ecological pressure</em><em>.</em></p> 2024-07-13T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 International journal of life sciences & earth sciences Estimation of Existing and Contribution of Mangrove Rehabilitation by PHE ONWJ Program to Carbon Stocks Mangroves in Coastal Karawang Regency, Indonesia 2024-07-11T08:07:59+00:00 Rahman Rahman Luisa Febrina Amalo Marfian Dwidima Putra Luluk Dwi Wulan Handayani Gilang Munggaran Hadi Supardi Arif Rahman L.M. Alfin Agushara Bena <p><em>One of the efforts to mitigate climate change is the preservation of mangrove ecosystems because of their function as carbon storage and absorbers. The coast of Karawang Regency is a potential area for mangrove ecosystems, but information on existing carbon stocks and sequestration is not yet known, let alone the contribution of mangrove rejuvenation, including from rehabilitation seedlings. The study results show that the total carbon stock in the coast of Karawang Regency ranges from 13.75 – 56.89 MgC ha–1&nbsp; or 5,799.88 – 24,003.58 MgC. This value is obtained from the contribution of three main species, namely A. marina of 4.38 – 15.38 MgC ha<sup>–1</sup>, R. apiculata of 5.80 – 24.63 MgC ha<sup>–1,</sup> and R. mucronata of 3.57 – 16.88 MgC ha<sup>–1</sup>. The carbon sequestration value (CO<sub>2</sub>-equivalent) on the coast of Karawang Regency ranges from 50.40 – 208.58 MgCO<sub>2</sub>-eq ha<sup>–1</sup> or an overall of 21,266.23 – 88,013.14 MgCO2-eq. This value was obtained from the contribution of three main species, namely A. marina of 16.07 – 56.41 MgCO<sub>2</sub>-eq ha<sup>–1</sup>, R. apiculata of 21.25 – 90.29 MgCO<sub>2</sub>-eq ha<sup>–1</sup>, and R. mucronata of 13.08 – 61.88 MgCO<sub>2</sub>-eq ha<sup>–1</sup>. The total contribution value of stock and carbon sequestration from mangrove rejuvenation in the simulation up to 10 years of diameter growth reached 24.58 MgC year<sup>–1 </sup>&nbsp;and 90.14 MgCO<sub>2</sub>-eq year<sup>–1</sup>. These values are an accumulation of three categories of youth, namely the existing sapling category (7.86 MgC year<sup>–1</sup> and 28.82 MgCO<sub>2</sub>-eq year<sup>–1</sup>), the existing seedling category (4.72 MgC year<sup>–1</sup> and 17.32 MgCO<sub>2</sub>-eq year<sup>–1</sup>), and the seedling category (3.64 MgC year<sup>–1 </sup>&nbsp;and 13.33 MgCO<sub>2</sub>-eq year<sup>–1</sup>)</em></p> 2024-07-13T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 International journal of life sciences & earth sciences