The relevance of digital practice in Indonesian mathematics teaching and learning to improve learning outcomes: review of empirical evidence


  • Arif Ganda Nugroho Universitas Muhammadiyah Banjarmasin, Indonesia
  • Pandu Adi Cakranegara Universitas Presiden, Indonesia
  • Alim Hardiansyah Institut Sains dan Teknologi Al Kamal, Indonesia


digital innovation, digital practice, learning outcomes, mathematics, teaching mathematics, technological innovation


This paper discusses literature for mathematics innovation in improving mathematics achievement outcomes in the era of digital. Efforts to improve student learning outcomes are closely related to teaching systems and management, including best practices of technological innovation in teaching, such as Mathematics at both the school and college level. We have compiled the relevant literature and reviewed it in search of evidence published in international scientific journals passionate about improving the quality of teaching through curriculum development with the integrity of digital innovation. This research is based on secondary data, and we process it with a phenomenological critical analysis approach, which begins with data preparation and then data organization. Scan transcripts, collect notes, and conclude. Next, explore data, create scratch code, review and revise all related themes. Finally, they presented these themes in cohesive passion writing. Considering the available data, it can be concluded that our findings from most of the studies we reviewed revealed that digital or multimedia-based teaching in the teaching of Mathematics programs was able to improve student learning outcomes. Therefore, this research will add to the treasures of teaching Mathematics in Indonesia towards the success of the millennial education, which is still suffering from a pandemic.


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How to Cite

Nugroho, A. G., Cakranegara, P. A., & Hardiansyah, A. (2021). The relevance of digital practice in Indonesian mathematics teaching and learning to improve learning outcomes: review of empirical evidence. International Journal of Physics & Mathematics, 4(1), 23-32.