The need for guidance and career counselling at secondary schooling


  • Netala Hepsiba Faculty of Psychology at BENNIAH College of Education Burugapudi, E.G Dist. & Research Scholar of Andhra University, Visakhapatnam


Guidance, Career Counselling, Secondary Schooling


A large number of students are going to colleges and universities without proper planning. They think of selecting a career after finishing their education. Consequently, round pegs are inserted in square holes and square pegs at round holes, resulting in wastage of human services. Due to this reason, it is, therefore, necessary to have well-organized guidance program to remove the defect. Society itself and its demand are continuously changing and becoming more and more complex and without any guidance program, it is not possible for a child to cope with the changing society. So, the program of guidance is needed for all the children in every aspect of their harmonious development.


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How to Cite

Hepsiba, N. (2018). The need for guidance and career counselling at secondary schooling. International Journal of Physics & Mathematics, 1(1), 29-36.