Development of indigenous collective strategies: A theoretical vision from modern management for development with Aymara identity



collective development, economic development, indigenous communities, social and cultural growth


The Aymara population constitutes the main social and cultural identity of the Arica and Parinacota Region in Chile and for more than five decades has continued to face a series of local difficulties due to globalization, technological change, and a neoliberal market economy with little government support. Numerous villages in the Andean foothills and high plateau continue to live in conditions of poverty. However, collective leadership has proven to be an innovative tool to address various market failures and institutional barriers that hinder their social and economic development at the territorial level. This article analyzes the main theoretical and practical postulates for collective strategies led by indigenous communities to be effectively developed in their cultural and territorial context.


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How to Cite

Barra Novoa, R. (2021). Development of indigenous collective strategies: A theoretical vision from modern management for development with Aymara identity. International Journal of Social Sciences, 4(1), 60-68.