Investigation of best digital technological practices in millennial classroom innovation: critical review study


  • Sudarmo Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Balikpapan, Indonesia
  • Rasmita Universitas Putra Indonesia YPTK Padang, Indonesia
  • Erwinsyah Satria Universitas Bung Hatta, Indonesia


critical review study, digital class, digital native, technology practice


This paper aims to critically review best technology practices for native digital students in Indonesia. The success of learning using technology today cannot be separated from educators' ability to choose technology practice models from various learning sources. To present practices used for the digital generation, we have looked at data from dozens of scientific findings that examine digital best practices, particularly those that improve learning outcomes. After the data has been collected, we continue the critical review process to discuss the phenomenon and its attributes. Searching for data, analyzing, and summarizing data to answer the research questions was carried out with validity and reliability. We rely on online data searches. The result uses devices, teleconferencing, smart boards, reflective web journals, cloud servers, 3D printing, learning and practicing, maintaining flexibility and persistence, promoting collaboration, feedback, and research culture. Thus, these results will serve as essential reminder inputs for educators and researchers, curriculum innovation.


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How to Cite

Sudarmo, S., Rasmita, R., & Satria, E. (2021). Investigation of best digital technological practices in millennial classroom innovation: critical review study. International Journal of Social Sciences, 4(1), 98-105.