Understanding of identical politics in the Indonesia local election: critical analysis of political election context literature




identical politics, local election, political election, review literature


This paper aimed to gain an in-depth understanding of the meaning of identity politics in the context of the Indonesian election through critical analysis of the scientific literature of direct elections. We believe it is essential for all citizens to understand identity politics, considering that the success of the regional elections in Indonesia is closely related to the participation of all levels of society, especially intellectuals and policymakers. So for that, the author has collected much literature, and we have studied it carefully to get a deeper understanding. We get to the literature was through an electronic search of the Google Scholar database. Furthermore, our data analysis involves a system of coding, evaluation, and interpretation under the phenomenology approach to obtain valid and reliable answers. After a series of discussion of the results, we can summarize the findings, others Identity politics is a political tool of a group such as ethnicity, ethnicity, culture, religion, or others for specific purposes, for example, as a form of resistance or as a tool to show identity. Themselves a group.


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How to Cite

Manullang, S. O. (2021). Understanding of identical politics in the Indonesia local election: critical analysis of political election context literature. International Journal of Social Sciences, 4(1), 131-140. https://doi.org/10.31295/ijss.v4n1.1506