Analysis of Latin American literature through a mathematical lens


  • Hugo Romeo Cedeño Cedeño Purdue University Northwest, United States
  • Telly Yarita Macías Zambrano Instituto Superior Tecnológico Paulo Emilio Macías, Portoviejo, Manabí, Ecuador


Latin American, literature, mathematical lens


Several of the most influential Latin American writers were interested in the sciences. Moreover, a handful showed an affinity to mathematics since childhood, eventually following careers as physicists, engineers, and mathematicians before turning their attention to the arts. In the end, they became novelists, essayists, and poets, who made significant contributions to their field. There is a large amount of existent traditional literature analysis research on Latin American authors. In the last sixteen years, research has shifted to include a focus on the connection between math and literature. However, this research focuses on interpreting the ideas of the universally acclaimed writer Jorge Luis Borges, studying his scientific thinking through his works, and demonstrating the writings included both basic and advanced math concepts even though he lacked a formal mathematical and scientific formation. Currently, there is a gap in the research that ignores the influential Latin American authors who were also prolific in mathematics. As a math and engineering student, I am interested in studying the work of Latin American writers with academic backgrounds in STEM fields--specifically mathematics. I intend to examine the writings of Ernesto Sabato, Guillermo Martinez, and Nicanor Parra for explicit math terminology and concepts.


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How to Cite

Cedeño, H. R. C. ., & Zambrano, T. Y. M. . (2021). Analysis of Latin American literature through a mathematical lens. International Journal of Social Sciences, 4(1), 141-147.