Agro tourism objects development as effort relieving poverty during COVID 19 pandemic



COVID 19, development, increased income, labor absorption, pandemic, tourism objects


This research was carried out in Sorawolio District at the end of 2020. The problems of agro tourism in Sorawolio District are low productivity and competitiveness due to not optimal utilization of the potential of agro-tourism resources, not yet integrated production system. The results of the CPI analysis show superior agro tourism objects that have the capacity to absorb labor and increase income during the covid 19 pandemic: (1) Samparona pine forest tourism object, employment variable 687, community income 714, accessibility and supporting facilities 509, and object attraction tourism 746. (2) Samparona waterfall tourism object, employment variable 687, community income 781, accessibility and supporting facilities 509, and tourist attraction 972. (3) Food crop agriculture, employment variable 899, community income 775, tourist attraction 1,097, production and sales 878, and marketing model 955. ( 4) Home industry, employment variable 699, community income 735, tourist attraction 853, production and sales 759, and model marketing 777. (5) Livestock, employment variables 539, community income 641, tourist attraction 409, production and sales 686, and marketing model 705. Agro tourism objects contribute to labor absorption, increase income and reduce poverty, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic on an ongoing basis in Sorawolio District.


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How to Cite

Boni, Y. (2021). Agro tourism objects development as effort relieving poverty during COVID 19 pandemic. International Journal of Social Sciences, 4(1), 153-161.