Mechanisms of application of modern approaches to the organization and management of educational processes in Universities


  • S. T. Turgunov Namangan State University, Uzbekistan
  • D. T. Akmalova Namangan State University, Uzbekistan


coordination approach, demonstration , diversification strategy, functional strategy, integrated strategy, national-regional, organization and management of pedagogical processes, reflexive, relaxation , reorganization, results management, situational , specific strategy, strategic , subjects of the pedagogical process


The article discusses the mechanisms of applying modern approaches to the organization and management of pedagogical processes in universities. The application of diversification, integrated, specific and functional strategies has been scientifically substantiated. The features of the proposed new approaches, such as results-based management, relaxation, demonstration, reflexive, national-regional, situational, reorganization, coordination, have been identified and clearly marked, and the tasks of the subjects have been substantiated when applying modern approaches to the educational process.


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How to Cite

Turgunov, S. T., & Akmalova, D. T. (2021). Mechanisms of application of modern approaches to the organization and management of educational processes in Universities. International Journal of Social Sciences, 4(1), 162-167.