Law enforcement and democracy feeling among Indonesians during 2010 to 2020 (international publication analysis)


  • Vani Wirawan Universitas Diponegoro, Indonesia
  • Sardjana Orba Manullang Universitas Krisnadwipayana, Indonesia
  • Tamaulina Br Sembiring Universitas Pembangunan Panca Budi, Indonesia


application of law, international publication studies, legal studies, sense of democracy


Law enforcement and a sense of democracy are two issues that have attracted public attention, primarily since legal reform was implemented. To prove law enforcement and democracy feel, we searched data for 50 articles published between 2010 and 2020. We analyzed them to gain an in-depth understanding of whether our assumptions were correct. We search for data practically, i.e., searching through digital aids on well-known publication data sources such as Google Books publications, Sagepub, Taylor & France, ResearchGate, and many other website data. Since we conducted this study in the era of implementing the national public restriction policy, we decided that this study would rely on secondary data. As for finding the answers to this research, we analyze them by coding, in-depth evaluation, and draw conclusions that answer the problem validly. Based on the discussion of the findings, we can say that the application of law in Indonesia adheres to the civil law legal system in terms of the legal system, political system, legal sources, and system of application; in the form of regulations and laws that are systematically arranged in codification to provide a sense of democracy and justice.


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How to Cite

Wirawan, V., Manullang, S. O., & Sembiring, T. B. (2021). Law enforcement and democracy feeling among Indonesians during 2010 to 2020 (international publication analysis). International Journal of Social Sciences, 4(2), 303-310.