Some considerations about paleoecology of central asia and migrations of ancient hominids during the pleistocene period


  • Omonov Anvarbek Murodovich Researcher, National Archaeological Center of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan


Central Asia, early paleolithic, migration, paleoanthropology, pleistocene


This article provides a brief overview of the paleoecology of Central Asia during the Quaternary (Pleistocene) period, the natural and climatic conditions of the region, as well as the migration of ancient hominids. Natural-climatic conditions in the Tertiary (Pleistocene) Central Asia is characterized by a dry, arid climate, and in some periods a humid (pluvial) climate, as a result of a comprehensive study of the Early Paleolithic monuments. In general, this article focuses on the Paleolithic of the Central Asian region in the Quaternary period and the development of this vast territory by our ancient ancestors, as well as some comments on the remains of ancient human bones found in the Selungur cave.


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How to Cite

Murodovich, O. A. (2021). Some considerations about paleoecology of central asia and migrations of ancient hominids during the pleistocene period. International Journal of Social Sciences, 4(3), 341-345.