Project-based learning and its impact on the academic performance of middle school students


  • Richard Eduardo Sánchez Bravo Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador, Manabí Headquarters, Chone, Ecuador
  • Jorge Armando Zambrano Andrade Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador, Manabí Headquarters, Chone, Ecuador
  • María Elizabeth Zambrano Cornejo Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador, Manabí Headquarters, Chone, Ecuador
  • Jaime Darío Santos Loor Unidad Educativa Eugenio Espejo, Chone, Manabí, Ecuador


academic performance, education, knowledge, methodology learning, project-based learning


The adoption of active methodologies in the teaching-learning process allows the main actors of education to transform the classroom into scenarios of real experiences of learners. This research aims to analyze the Project-Based Learning methodology and its impact on the academic performance of middle school students. In this research, several methods were applied, including the qualitative documentary bibliographic review, the inductive-deductive method, allowing to identify the characterization of project-based learning, in addition, the academic results of the students of basic secondary of the Educational Unit “Aurelio Salazar”. As result, it was obtained that Project-Based Learning is an active methodology of current education where the teaching process is innovated, the academic performance of 62 students who attended the 2020-2021 school year was analyzed.


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How to Cite

Bravo, R. E. S., Andrade, J. A. Z., Cornejo, M. E. Z., & Loor, J. D. S. (2021). Project-based learning and its impact on the academic performance of middle school students. International Journal of Social Sciences, 4(4), 360-366.