Development trends of state policy on women in Uzbekistan and its media coverage


  • Gulnora Zakirova Doctor of Philosophy in Philology, Dean of faculty Internet Journalism and Social Media, Journalism and Mass Communication University of Uzbekistan, Tashkent, Uzbekistan


analysis, democratic renewal, life, measures, politics, problems, society, woman


The article analyzes the role of women in Uzbekistan in public life, their role in our socio-political life, the attention paid to them today and the coverage of these issues in the media. In addition, the role of women in public administration and their role models for other women in our society, as well as the influence of the media on these issues are covered today. In addition, the state policy on the formation of a woman to further enhance her status in society was considered. At the same time, there is a lack of material in the press on the spiritual image, enlightenment, life and social aspirations and aspirations of women in the system of state power and administration, their attitude to the painful points of society, their human qualities. The issue of women's involvement in "big politics" is also covered mainly during the election campaign, and in many cases, the materials in this area are presented in a formal way. It is advisable to increase the number of materials dedicated to girls who have decided to engage in political activities in the future.


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How to Cite

Zakirova, G. (2021). Development trends of state policy on women in Uzbekistan and its media coverage. International Journal of Social Sciences, 4(4), 374-378.