The contribution of parents in the school performance of elementary sublevel students


  • Sonia Isabel Holguín-Cevallos Maestría en educación básica, Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, chone, Ecuador, Manabí, Ecuador
  • Holger José Muñoz-Ponce Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, chone, Ecuador, Manabí, Ecuador


academic performance, family, parents, teacher


The contribution of parents in the school performance of Sublevel students Elementary is essential to develop learning, this allows the teacher to seek strategies to help them in this educational process. The objective was to determine the contribution of the parents in the school performance of the students of the Elementary Sublevel, the scientific method was used whose product today is in knowledge to the scientific community, it helped to obtain information of the diverse theories that provide different authors, the qualitative, quantitative method was also used, whose basic modality is based on a bibliographic, field, and social intervention documentary research. approached through observation and survey; it was reflected in the application of the same and the tabulation of results, both necessary for the achievement of the objectives. The result was that the contribution of parents is necessary to achieve good school performance in learning, helping it to be dynamic and interactive, led by the students themselves who represent the center of interest and motivating elements.


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How to Cite

Holguín-Cevallos, S. I., & Muñoz-Ponce, H. J. (2022). The contribution of parents in the school performance of elementary sublevel students. International Journal of Social Sciences, 5(3), 138-145.