The effect of knowledge management on work achievement PT. MDA Travel Manado


  • Drevy Dallesandry Malalantang Manado Tourism Economics College, Manado, Indonesia


job performance, knowledge management, work achievement


This study used a survey method by conducting research on Travel staff of MDA Travel Manado. The method of describing, analyzing and explaining the relationship between each variable. The proof was done statistically using SPSS 24.00 00 where the results obtained were Y = 63.756 + 0.361x. This means that each increase of one score or the addition of numbers in variable X, namely Knowledge Management, will have an effect on variable Y, namely Work Performance of 0.361x. The result of the correlation coefficient is 0.448, meaning that variable X (Knowledge Management) has a significant correlation with variable Y (Job Performance). The determinant coefficient is 0.201. It can be concluded that Knowledge Management has an effect of 20.0% on MDA Travel Manado's Travel staff Work Performance, while 80% is influenced by other variables. Through calculations for hypothesis testing based on tcount> ttable value where 3.179?2.021. This means that H0 is rejected and h1 is accepted, or in other words it proves that variable X or Knowledge Management affects variable Y or MDA Travel Manado Travel Staff Job Performance.


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How to Cite

Malalantang, D. D. (2023). The effect of knowledge management on work achievement PT. MDA Travel Manado. International Journal of Social Sciences, 6(2), 61-76.