Impact of work discipline and work culture on employees' employment at PT Bukit Asam, TBK


  • Ahmad Zaki Romi Sriwijaya University, Palembang, Indonesia
  • Marlina Widiyanti Sriwijaya University, Palembang, Indonesia
  • Muhammad Yusuf Sriwijaya University, Palembang, Indonesia
  • Muhammad Ichsan Hadjri Sriwijaya University, Palembang, Indonesia


employee performance, good relationships, job description, working culture, working discipline


This research is aimed at finding out the impact of work discipline and work culture on employee performance at Bukit Asam, Tbk. The population in this study is the entire employee of Bukit Assam,Tbk by 2023 as many as 1,545 employees. The sample in this study was 142 employees using Slovenian techniques. The results of the double linear regression analysis show that work discipline and work culture have a positive and significant influence on employee performance. Working discipline, expected to provide training appropriate to the field of work that is required if it is done rotation on the work unit. In addition, training and development of skills and knowledge for new employees. This will provide supplies to employees in the face and conduct of the new job given. The work culture, the expected role of the supervisor as well as the role of colleagues in providing support and establishing good relationships between the same employees are felt quite important to do, given the need for adaptation for employees if they are in the new environment and job desc.


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How to Cite

Romi, A. Z., Widiyanti, M., Yusuf, M., & Hadjri, M. I. (2024). Impact of work discipline and work culture on employees’ employment at PT Bukit Asam, TBK. International Journal of Social Sciences, 7(1), 19-23.

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