Aligning tourism area life cycle and product life cycle in avoiding decline stage

Case study on West Nusa Tenggara Indonesia


  • Farid Said Politeknik Pariwisata Lombok, Indonesia
  • Jujuk Ferdianto Politeknik Pariwisata Lombok, Indonesia
  • Muhammad Sultan Hali Politeknik Pariwisata Lombok, Indonesia


decline stage, life cycle, product life cycle, tourism area, tourism industry


The peak of the tourism industry in West Nusa Tenggara before the COVID-19 pandemic suggested that its position was already in the stagnation stage according to TALC (Tourism Area Life Cycle). Also, the stage can be aligned with PLC (Product Life Cycle) which is known as the maturity stage. This research extracted opinions from tourism industry stakeholders by using multiple FGD (Focus Group Discussion) and summarized the result into a recommendation to avoid the declining stage of the tourism industry, especially in West Nusa Tenggara. One of the main conclusive answers is optimizing e-tourism at an innovative pace. However, this step does not only need good commitment, support, and collaborative intention from whole stakeholders but also good preparation from local human resources to support its sustainability. This preparation should be fulfilled by local vocational higher education in West Nusa Tenggara which is known as Tourism Polytechnic Lombok.


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How to Cite

Said, F., Ferdianto, J., & Hali, M. S. (2021). Aligning tourism area life cycle and product life cycle in avoiding decline stage: Case study on West Nusa Tenggara Indonesia. International Journal of Social Sciences, 4(1), 9-14.