Values-based social studies learning the Malay culture in secondary schools in developing social studies skills of learners

Study of evaluation in public middle-high schools in Pekanbaru city


  • - Rohani UPI Bandung, Indonesia


values-based social, studies learning, Malay culture, secondary schools, social studies skills, learners


This research is mainly based on social issues on moral decrease among learners in Elementary Schools in Riau Province such as cheating habits, absences, bullying, student brawls and smoking habits as the effect of the disorganized educational system in developing the character building of learners. This research is aimed to assess how effective learning process in Social Studies in Secondary Schools through values-based social studies learning the Malay culture in secondary schools in developing social skills of learners in Riau Province. From educational philosophy perspective, lesson planning, learning process, and learning outcomes are integral parts. This research is conducted in CIPP model evaluation methods, purposive random sampling, and mixed methods. It is concluded that firstly, the grounding philosophy in values-based social studies learning the Malay culture in secondary schools in developing social skills of learners in Riau Province implementing the 2013 curriculum is mainly based on social reconstruction philosophy and progressive.


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How to Cite

Rohani, .-. (2019). Values-based social studies learning the Malay culture in secondary schools in developing social studies skills of learners: Study of evaluation in public middle-high schools in Pekanbaru city. International Journal of Social Sciences, 2(1), 4-18.