A study on educational value of national character towards Balinese traditional song text

Geguritan Ketut Bungkling



Tembang, Education Value, Balinese Traditional, Character Education, Geguritan I Ketut Bungkling


The one type of Balinese traditional song was poetry that still alive in Bali namely tembang pupuh or sekar macapat. Tembang macapat provided in pupuh was used for writing a literary works i.e. geguritan. One of the literary works in Bali was Geguritan Bungkling which tells the main character life’s, named I Ketut Bungkling (a common descendant, however, had an ingenuity and a courage that were very good). This study used a structuralist-semiotic theory. The data collection was applied an observation method and note-taking techniques. The research aim is able to describe the educational values of national character implicit in the text of pupuh Geguritan Bungkling. The data obtained were analyzed by the analytical descriptive method. The study on Geguritan Bungling text, findings a local moral values of character education, included: (1) the intelligence character, (2) the character of love science, (3) religious character, (4) introspection character, (5) the care character, (6) responsibility character, (7) the character loves a culture, (8) love characters, and (9) the character of peace.


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How to Cite

Suwija, I. N. (2016). A study on educational value of national character towards Balinese traditional song text: Geguritan Ketut Bungkling. International Journal of Linguistics, Literature and Culture, 2(3), 133–143. Retrieved from https://sloap.org/journals/index.php/ijllc/article/view/125



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