The sense of belonging and unhomeliness in when mountains weep: coming of age in Kurdistan


  • Mehmet Recep Tas YYU Faculty of Education, Department of Foreign Languages Education, Van/Turkey


Kurd, Gharbi, Uncanny, Belonging, Homelessness


The Sense of Belonging (SB) is a highlighted concept that has been a subject matter of various social disciplines such as education, geography, psychology, religion, and sociology. It is defined as people’s experience of being involved in a system or environment so that they feel as an integral part of that system or the environment. It can be said that it is a primordial archetypical desire for human beings to develop and maintain a positive, durable, and remarkable interpersonal relationship with other human beings.  Furthermore, it is claimed that the decrease or increase of this sense is correlated with Freud’s concept of Heimlich or unheimlich, which is translated into English as uncanny, the term, which inspired Homi Bhabha to coin his renowned concept of unhomely. Considering the theories and explanations of Baumeister, Goodenow, and Alfred Adler on the concept of “Sense of Belonging” and regarding Homi Bhabha’s concept of unhomeliness, this article portrays the protagonist Hamko’s lack of Sense of Belonging stemmed from his “unhomely” situation due to his having been stateless.


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How to Cite

Tas, M. R. (2016). The sense of belonging and unhomeliness in when mountains weep: coming of age in Kurdistan. International Journal of Linguistics, Literature and Culture, 2(4), 181–189. Retrieved from



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