Application of principles of testing: A study in the context of third year engineering graduates


  • Prativa Rani Saha VNR VJIET, Hyderabad
  • R. Kalpana PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore


Validity, Accuracy, Reliability, Washback, Language Testing


Language testing has been an elemental part of the teaching- learning the process, though views on language testing have always been changing. This paper presents the various components required to construct and use a language test. It primarily aims at highlighting the importance of validity, reliability, and washback and focuses if a test paper is valid, reliable and has a washback effect. A test should measure what it intends to measure and for this validity, of a test is an essential component. Reliability of a test refers to how a test should be measured and is also concerned with the consistency of scoring and the accuracy of the organization of the test, hence reliability also is an important factor for a test. Further, any item should ideally have a positive washback effect i.e., the test must have a beneficial effect. Any test setter has to consider these three qualities of a test discussed above. The paper aims at highlighting about these important aspects of test i.e. validity, reliability and washback and elucidates how these three aspects could be integrated into testing writing skills.


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How to Cite

Saha, P. R., & Kalpana, R. (2017). Application of principles of testing: A study in the context of third year engineering graduates. International Journal of Linguistics, Literature and Culture, 3(1), 17–23. Retrieved from



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