Euphemism in oral dialect speech ngeto-ngete district suralaga


  • Hendra Prasetyo Mataram University, Indonesia


Dialect, Euphemism, Oral Speech, Ngeto-Ngete, District Suralaga


Language and culture in the community are the two things that can not be separated. The language used in a particular speech community values shaped by cultural norms that they profess. There are several words taboo in the culture of a society which then allows the emergence of a new term that is more refined for use. Smoothing of taboo language was then known by euphemisms. Euphemism is a symptom of language by using a more subtle expression to replace the phrase which is considered rude. It intentionally or not intended to cover the actual reality or as a form of homage to partners said. The method used is descriptive qualitative data collection techniques using methods refer to and capable. The research results obtained is a form of euphemism often used in oral speech Sasak dialect ngeto-ngete District of Suralaga use of varied forms, the forms of figurative expression, a metaphor, a word to replace one word to another, and circumlocutions form. Meaning euphemism spoken form is based on the context of the speech uttered. Function euphemisms that often arise in the Sasak dialects spoken utterances ngeto-ngete District of Suralaga is functioned as a means of smoothing the speech, confidentiality, and diplomacy.


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How to Cite

Prasetyo, H. (2017). Euphemism in oral dialect speech ngeto-ngete district suralaga. International Journal of Linguistics, Literature and Culture, 3(1), 65–74. Retrieved from



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