The story of Begawan Dhomya and Sang Eka Jala Resi

Intertextuality studies


  • I Made Madia Department of Indonesian Literature, Faculty of Cultural Studies, Udayana University


Excerpt, Expansion, Hypogram, Conversion, Modification, Intertextuality, Transformation


An intertextuality relationship between Begawan Dhomya (BD) text/story and Sang Eka Jala Resi (SE) prose/story were discussed in the present study.  The intertextuality approach was known that BD was hypogram of SE or SE was BD transformation/derivative. The intertextuality relationship of BD to SE showed an expansion/development relationships, conversion/twisting, modification/alteration, and exertion/equation. These relationships types occurred in the story element form of themes and message, story and episode, as well as characters and characterizations.


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How to Cite

Madia, I. M. (2017). The story of Begawan Dhomya and Sang Eka Jala Resi: Intertextuality studies. International Journal of Linguistics, Literature and Culture, 3(3), 19–30. Retrieved from



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