Reading-writing in the development of text in the students of the Dr. “Aquiles Valencia” School


  • Geoconda Ondina Mendoza-Intriago Foreign Languages & Applied Linguistics, Shanghai International Studies University (SISU), China
  • Carmen Dolores Andrade-Zambrano Translation, Rhetoric & CDA, School of Foreign Languages, Fuzhou University, China


basic education, educational institution, reading-writing, students, text development


The research had the purpose of determining the reading-writing in the development of text in the students at the School of Basic Education Dr. Aquiles Valencia. In this sense, the general objective was to analyze literacy in the development of text in the students of this educational institution. The investigative approach was quantitative, allowing the recovery, analysis, and assessment of information, through surveys and the analysis of statistical results. As a result, it is proposed that, because it is a segment of the population with limited economic resources, the academic level of the parents does not help to collaborate with their children. The methodologies of the teachers, it is considered that in the medium term the literacy deficit will not be reduced.


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How to Cite

Mendoza-Intriago, G. O., & Andrade-Zambrano, C. D. (2022). Reading-writing in the development of text in the students of the Dr. “Aquiles Valencia” School . International Journal of Linguistics, Literature and Culture, 8(4), 145–152.



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