Digital technology implementation towards English e-modul at engineering department in State Polytechnic of Bali



digital technology, e-module, English language, learning, polytechnic education


Technology utilization in English learning instruction has been a significant tool to increase the learners’ ability and comprehension in Polytechnic education. However, the absence of systematic and suitable digital English learning materials frequently impacts the decrease of students' urge in learning the lesson. This study aims to establish s systematic digital learning material suitable for the engineering department students at the Polytechnic State of Bali. This research applied the qualitative method which explained the students’ arguments for the use of e-module in the English lesson. The unified theory of acceptance and use of technology (UTAUT) was used to analyze the data obtained from the students. The learners opined that the e-module provided important media which significantly escalate comprehension and eagerness of the English language. Although this e-module was beneficial, the urgency of generating the learning materials towards offline and online instruction ought to be conducted.


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How to Cite

Sadiyani, N. W. (2023). Digital technology implementation towards English e-modul at engineering department in State Polytechnic of Bali. International Journal of Linguistics, Literature and Culture, 9(2), 61–72.



Research Articles