Phonology of muna language

Theoretical review of optimality



Top, Onset, Nocoda, Complex, Optimality


This article discusses the language Muna from the corner Phonological with optimality theory. Optimality theory is a continuation of the theory of generative transformation. Optimality theory using the model of linguistic analysis by utilizing the candidate as an input and output that has a relation between the two. The relationship between input and output is mediated in a formal mechanism in the form of plant and assessors. Generating create a linguistic object and record the relationships of obedience in the input. Assessor in the hierarchy constraint is used to select the best candidates from the input as an optimal candidate produced by the plant. The analysis showed that the peak of the property syllables in the language Muna has one vowel, property onset syllable preceded single consonant, property complexes, only one consonant at the edge of the tribe, the property no coda syllable ends with a vowel.


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How to Cite

Ino, L. (2016). Phonology of muna language: Theoretical review of optimality. International Journal of Linguistics, Literature and Culture, 2(2), 50–63. Retrieved from



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