research journal of engineering, IT and scientific research2025-01-31T00:00:00+00:00Editorial Officeirjeis@sloap.orgOpen Journal Systems<p style="text-align: justify;"><strong>IRJEIS </strong>is published in English and it is open to authors around the world regardless of the nationality. It is currently published three times a year, i.e. in <em>January, March, May, July, September, </em>and<em> November.</em></p> of the planning and control process of offshore oil and gas platform projects at the engineering stage with the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK) approach, 6th and 7th editions to improve time performance2024-12-30T14:18:30+00:00Retno Ajeng Paramitha Dhevyr.ajengparamitha@gmail.comYusuf<p>The oil and gas exploration process continues to be carried out in order to achieve the oil and gas production target. However, offshore oil and gas platform projects are often found to experience delays in completion. Therefore, a comprehensive evaluation of the project planning and control process is needed to improve project time performance, so that it can be completed according to target effectively and efficiently. This study focuses on the evaluation of offshore oil and gas platform project planning and control at the engineering stage using the approach in PMBOK Editions 6 and 7. This approach aims to identify the main activities in planning and control and evaluate the suitability of the process with the PMBOK guidelines. In addition, it is also to identify the dominant risk factors that affect project time performance. This study was conducted using a case study approach and qualitative analysis using secondary data from various literature and documents related to the project. This evaluation is expected to provide insight into the gap between theory and practice in the field and produce strategic recommendations to improve the effectiveness of offshore oil and gas platform project management.</p>2024-12-31T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 International research journal of engineering, IT and scientific research of the implementation of integrated design and build construction contracts based on LKPP Regulation No. 12 of 2021 based on contract management body of knowledge and risk minimizing dispute claims from the service provider's perspective2024-12-30T14:57:44+00:00Al-Zahra Aisha Namiranamira.alzahra99@gmail.comYusuf<p>Infrastructure development in Indonesia is key to improving connectivity and equitable development, although it often faces project management challenges such as errors in contract documents that trigger disputes. The government has adopted the Design and Build method to accelerate construction and reduce design errors, but this method often creates more disputes than conventional methods. This study evaluates the implementation of the Integrated Design and Build Contract system in government projects based on LKPP Regulation No. 12 of 2021 and the Contract Management Body of Knowledge (CMBOK) 7th Edition, focusing on integrating contract management processes and risk analysis. Through questionnaires, expert interviews, and statistical data analysis, this study identified 10 significant high-risk risks, such as incorrect selection of design consultants, inaccurate cost estimates, and frequent design changes, although unidentified utility risks were not proven to be significant to disputes. The results of the study provide strategic recommendations to improve the effectiveness of the contract system, reduce disputes, and support the performance of infrastructure projects in Indonesia.</p>2024-12-31T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 International research journal of engineering, IT and scientific research of information systems on the integration of EDGE certification, BIM and WBS implementation in operational and maintenance work of flats in DKI Jakarta Province to increase effectiveness and efficiency of time and cost2024-12-30T15:21:33+00:00Eltriyana Rofi'aheltriyana.20@gmail.comYusuf<p>The construction of flats is one of the efforts of the DKI Jakarta Government to provide decent housing as mandated in Law No. 20 of 2011 and to address the housing backlog in DKI Jakarta Province. Limited land availability means that house construction must be carried out vertically with complexity in its operation and maintenance. This study aims to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of time and costs in the operational and maintenance work of flats in DKI Jakarta Province through the development of an information system for the application of EDGE Certification, BIM, and WBS integration. The methodology used is a questionnaire and interviews involving many experts, namely EDGE Experts and BIM Experts, and related respondents. The results of the study prove that the Development of an Information System for the Integration of the Application of EDGE Certification, BIM, and WBS in the Operational and Maintenance Work of Flats in DKI Jakarta Province can improve the effectiveness and efficiency of time and costs with a linear equation Y = 1.208 + 0.089 X1 + 0.322 X2 + 0.499 X3 – 0.161 X4.</p>2025-01-01T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 International research journal of engineering, IT and scientific research