Necessity of social worker in the educational system


  • Tatiana Moreira Chica Magister in Education and Social Development Universidad Tecnica de Manabi
  • Anicia Katherine Tarazona Meza Associate Professor, Master in Educational Management, Universidad Tecnica de Manabi
  • Sandra Auxiliadora Romero Chavez Professor, Master in Educational Management, Universidad Tecnica de Manabi
  • Mariela Alexandra Moreira Quiroz Head, Dept. of Political Science, Faculty of Arts & Culture, South Eastern University of Sri Lanka, Oluvil, Sri Lanka


dysfunctional, education, family, poverty, social work


Portoviejo is named the city of the Valley because it is irrigated by the river of the same name and surrounded by hills, where many people with low economic income and dysfunctional families live, many young people from these areas who are currently studying in the educational units of the city. The research made it possible to survey different teachers of the educational units of the municipality, resulting in the need to incorporate the social worker into the training environment, which allows a work climate to be consolidated and has a positive influence not only over time but in the depth of the intervention and its effectiveness, since the social worker is a fundamental pillar within the educational task and within the teaching-learning process.


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How to Cite

Chica, T. M., Meza, A. K. T., Chavez, S. A. R., & Quiroz, M. A. M. (2017). Necessity of social worker in the educational system. International Research Journal of Management, IT and Social Sciences, 4(2), 81–86. Retrieved from



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