Development of district health system model policy implementation for improving health services


  • Dominikus Minggu State Nusa Cendana University, Kupang, Indonesia
  • Fred. L. Benu State Nusa Cendana University, Kupang, Indonesia
  • Frans Gana State Nusa Cendana University, Kupang, Indonesia
  • Petrus Kase State Nusa Cendana University, Kupang, Indonesia


district health system, dominic, health service, policy implementation, responsiveness


National Health In implementing the autonomy function of decentralization, The Government of TTU District has rearranged the form and method of administering the district health or health development system which is organized in the District Regulation No. 09/2015. The objective of the study is to analyze how the development of a District Health System (DHS) model influences health services in the District of TTU, NTT. The research is Mix method approach. The results of quantitative: District Health System (DHS) directly influences Responsiveness (RPS), then Responsiveness (RPS) influences Policy Implementation and Policy Implementation (PI) influencing Health Services (HS); with Goodness of Fit: Chi-Square 125,625; probability 0.073; degree of freedom 104 Cmin / Df 1,208; GFI 0.946; CFI 0.993; RMSEA 0.032 and AGFI 0.802. At ? = 0.01. Results of qualitative that Implementation of TTU district health system policy has been implemented through the provision of health services and the preparation of the TTU District Middle Plan. It was concluded that the new model: Implementation of Dominic BGK's District Health Sisitem Policy can be implemented comprehensively to improve health services and achieve the highest degree of public health. The mode is recommended to be implemented in other autonomous districts.


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How to Cite

Minggu, D., Benu, F. L., Gana, F., & Kase, P. (2019). Development of district health system model policy implementation for improving health services. International Research Journal of Management, IT and Social Sciences, 6(5), 242–260.



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