Participation and community motivation to protect the Forest Park Tahura of Bukit Barisan


  • Tri Astuti Lecturer in the Faculty of Agriculture Forestry Study Program, Simalungun University of Indonesia
  • Marulam MT Simarmata Lecturer in the Faculty of Agriculture Forestry Study Program, Simalungun University of Indonesia


community motivation, conservation, forest, motivation, protected


The participation and motivation of the community around the forest is a process that participates in determining the intensity, direction, and diligence in the individual in the effort to give a contribution to the conservation of health in the area Tahura Bukit Barisan. With the participation and motivation, the forest protected. Forest protection is an effort to safeguard the natural resources that exist therein. The results showed that (1) the condition of the respondent was in the productive age, the level of public education of the area of Tahurajunior high school until graduation, has a family of 3-5 people/KK. The main work of the surrounding community is selling installs and flowers. Every weekend or holiday visitors flock to the tourist attractions in the tourist area of the flower, the average monthly income of 1.5 million x ? 3 million, long stay around the Tahura area more than 20 years, the location of the house of respondents to Tahura area belongs to close, about under 500 m by 62.47%. (2) The role of community participation and motivation is positive and insignificant to the protection of the Tahura area.


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How to Cite

Astuti, T., & Simarmata, M. M. (2020). Participation and community motivation to protect the Forest Park Tahura of Bukit Barisan. International Research Journal of Management, IT and Social Sciences, 7(5), 78–88.



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