Arm muscle power and energy system measurement of forehand drive on tennis


  • La Sawali Lecturer at Physical Education Dept. of Education Faculty of Halu Oleo University, Kendari, Southeast Sulawesi, Indonesia 93232


Tennis, Measurement, Muscle Power, Energy System, Forehand Drive


This study analyzed arm muscle power and energy system measurements that work during a forehand drive on tennis. The strength of the arm and energy system information is known to be processed through several stages, i.e. identification of stimuli, the response selection stage, and the programming stage to the giving instruction of muscle movement. In this case, the player's forehand driveability increased by the strategy of drills forehand flat and forehand topspin training.  Exercises are given to both of group whose having similar the strong arm and the weak arm. Qualitative descriptions for measuring forehand drive strokes achievement are conducted to explain the strength of the arm using instrument that has been tested for its validity. This is done by troughs observing each stage treatment type of activities in the implementation of an exercise strategy which tailored the emotion process as a supporter of ability at doing forehand drive. The instruments used to see forehand driveability are designed and developed by the author himself by taking the factors of difficulties and skills possessed, then it is used as the subject of this study. The created instruments refer to the standardized of Hewitt's achievement test instrument presented by Jack E. Hewitt's, which uses numbers from 1 to 5. Furthermore, to do the measures of power for looking the energy systems is exerted by the Estimated Maximum Power Output and Capacity of Three Energy Systems table by Fox et al.


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How to Cite

Sawali, L. (2018). Arm muscle power and energy system measurement of forehand drive on tennis. International Research Journal of Engineering, IT & Scientific Research, 4(4), 30–39.



Research Articles