Developing Indonesian instructional materials for lower grade students of elementary schools throughout Bali

An ethno pedagogic study



Local Wisdom, Learning Materials, Social Reconstruction


This second-year research focuses on the development of an integrated theme-based students’ book for learning the Indonesian language with character education content from local wisdom. This research was designed using Research and Development (RD) following a procedure from Borg and Gall. The procedure consisted of preliminary study, planning, learning materials development, expert judgment, and small-scale trial. The third-year research will be continued with book draft revision, a larger scale trial in the Province of Bali, and revision after the trial.  Data were gathered through document study, questionnaire, and observation. The data were analyzed using both quantitative and qualitative descriptions.  Results of data analysis show a development of an integrated theme-based course book. The book draft improved in terms of layout, coloring, and pictures that suit the children’s interest. The children’s responses indicated that they understood well the learning materials contained in the book. The children could also show social competence well like when apologizing and making an excuse. They showed a good character as helping other people. A balance among cognitive, affective and psychomotor aspects are required for character education. It is suggested that a theme-based book for young children should balance the academic and non-academic aspects.


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How to Cite

Relin, .-., & Rasna, I. W. (2018). Developing Indonesian instructional materials for lower grade students of elementary schools throughout Bali: An ethno pedagogic study. International Journal of Chemical & Material Sciences, 1(1), 25-30.