Land use and environment physical condition on sedimentation and water discharge of lindu lake watershed


  • - Ramlan Mulawarman University, Indonesia
  • Abdul Rahman Tadulako University, Indonesia
  • - Faisal Tadulako University, Indonesia
  • Muhammad Sutrisno Tadulako University, Indonesia


environment physical condition, sedimentation, water discharge, lindu lake watershed


Lindu lake sub-watershed has harmed by various human activities which do not pay attention to environmental sustainability principles. This research aims to know the influence of land use area and environment physical condition on sedimentation and water discharge in Lindu lake sub-watersheds. This research uses survey and non-experimental method on 3 rivers which are Langko (P1), Wongkodono (P2), and Kati (P3). The dependent variable in this research is land use area (area of the garden, shrubs, rice field, forest, and settlement) and environment physical condition (catchment area and average annual rainfall) and the independent variables are sedimentations and water discharge. The used statistical analysis is a multiple regression model. The result shows that the wider shrubs area (X2) reduces sedimentation (Y1) and increases water discharge (Y2). Each addition of one shrub unit will decrease sediment in amount of 0,208 mg/L and affects water discharge an amount of  0,258 m3/sec-1 with regression equation Y1 = 185,903 - 0,208X2 – 587,269X8 and Y2 = 6,854 + 0,258 X2 – 71,708 X8. As for the bigger river shape coefficient (X8) so the smaller water discharge average. Hence, each reduction of one river shape coefficient unit will affect water discharge in the amount of 71,708 m3/sec-1. It can be concluded that significant predictor factor on sedimentation and water discharge are shrubs and river shape coefficient.


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How to Cite

Ramlan, .-., Rahman, A., Faisal, .-., & Sutrisno, M. (2019). Land use and environment physical condition on sedimentation and water discharge of lindu lake watershed. International Journal of Chemical & Material Sciences, 2(1), 1-7.